Saturday, May 2, 2020

Business Enterprise and Capstone Project †

Question: Discuss about the Business Enterprise and Capstone Project. Answer: Week 1 Week 1 discusses about the nature process and strategy of a business research. The lecture provides an overview of the role and importance of theory in research work and the process of business research. The research can be broadly classified into qualitative, quantitative and mixed research. The lecture focuses on the reasons for conducting a business research. A business research mainly consists of different sections such as literature review, research questions and reasoning. The lecture further discusses the concepts of objectivism and constructionism or constructivism. The lecture concludes with a discussion about the different research methods and the factors that influences a researchers choice of methods. Week 2 The lecture of week 2 discusses about the research design and planning of the research process. The entire lecture is sub divided into different sections such as research methods and designs, types of validity, threats to the validity, different types of designs such as cross sectional, evaluating, longitudinal and comparative. It further discusses about the process of preparation of a research proposal. It indicates the importance of following the dissertation guidelines in preparation of research proposal. Proper Management of time and resources is an important consideration. The lecture highlights the key differences between a research methods and research design. Week 3 The lecture of week 3 discusses about the importance of literature review in writing a business research. The lecture provides an overview of the doing and writing a literature review and the associated issues that are needed to be considered while writing a literature review, such as plagiarism, and academic writing. The two main approaches of literature review are systemic review and narrative review. Referencing the sources is an important consideration while writing a literature review. The lecture indicates that systematic reviewing enhances the reliability of the literature searching and reviewing a literature. Not only a good research, but also a good writing is important for literature review. Week 4 The lecture of week 4 discusses about the ethics and legal consideration in business research. The lecture discusses the ethical issues, principal, legal consideration and difficulties of ethical decision-making. The lecture establishes that the research participants do not abrogate the right to privacy entirely even by providing an informed consent. It is Researchers are often asked to sign confidentiality agreements before conducting a research. The lecture provides a brief overview of deception and legal considerations. The major ethical concerns in research studies include invasion of privacy, lack of informed consent and deception. Week 5 The lecture of week 5 discusses about the nature of the qualitative research, sampling and participant in observation. The entire lecture covers the different aspects of qualitative research and its approaches to reliability and validity. It further discusses the concept of sampling and ethnography. The lecture further discusses the similarities between the qualitative and quantitative research. Qualitative research is however more open-ended research in comparison with the quantitative research. One of the key points of the lecture session is that the theoretical saturation is an important principal for decision-making about the sample size. Week 6 The lecture of week 6 discusses about interviewing, focus groups and language of the qualitative research. The lecture provides an overview of the different types of interviews, details about the focus groups and different process of analysis. The lecture discusses the importance of choosing a proper interview location for conducting an uninterrupted interview. The lecture provides a detailed overview of conversation analysis and its key concepts such as indexality and reflexivity. The overall lecture suggests that qualitative interview should be flexible and an interview guide should not be too structured. Qualitative method is an important method of data collection in feminist studies. Week 7 The lecture of week 7 provides an overview of the Qualitative data Analysis. It discusses the process of analytic induction, grounded theory, qualitative content analysis and historical analysis. The lecture provides a brief overview off the memos, which are the notes written by researchers to themselves. There are several problems with coding that are discussed in the lecture of week7. Apart from this, the lecture covers the different criteria for assessing the quality of a document such as authenticity, credibility, representativeness and meaning. The lectured provided a detailed knowledge about documents, which are a very heterogeneous set of data sources. Week 8 The lecture of week 8 discusses about the nature and sampling of quantitative research. The lecture covers the concepts, its indicator and criticisms of quantitative research. It provides with an idea of generalization, probability sample and potential sources of error in a survey research. The use of measurement in a quantitative research is discussed in the lecture along with the concepts of stability and validity. The lecture further covers the different types of probability sample and the different factors that affect the sample size. It is a mechanism for reducing the bias in selection of samples. Week 9 The lecture of week 9 discusses about the structured interviewing and questionary design. The lecture discusses the different types of interviews along with the criticisms of quantitative research. The advantages and disadvantages of questionnaire and open questions are discussed. The lecture provides an overview of the common mistakes of designing the research questions and importance of piloting and pre testing questions of an interview. There are different issues that can be faced while preparation of interview questions. Closed questions are generally referable for conducting a survey, while open questions are used in qualitative interviewing. Week 10 The lecture of week 10 discusses about the structured observation and content analysis. The lecture establishes the advantages and disadvantages of content analysis and discusses the role of research questions in content analysis. The lecture provides an idea of a coding schedule. The lecture evaluates the key concept of structured observation and discusses the common problems concerning the reliability, validity and generalizability. The coding schedule and coding manual are crucial stages of content analysis. It establishes the importance of clarity in designing the research questions. It furthermore discusses the concept of coding manual, that gives guidance on how to code. Week 11 The lecture of week 11 provides an overview of secondary analysis and quantitative data analysis. The importance of the secondary analysis and its limitation is discussed. It explores the secondary analysis of collected data and process of obtaining such data sets. However, there are certain limitations of secondary analysis such as presence of large and complex data, missing variables in analysis and so on. The lecture puts highlights the advantages of quantitative data from the surveys. The lecture gives a detailed idea about the secondary analysis and its advantages and disadvantages. It further gives an overview of the official statistics and its disadvantages. Week 12 The lecture of week 12 discusses about the mixed methods of the research. There had been a considerable growth in the mixed method researches. However, there are certain objections to the mixed methods, which include epistemological impediments and ontological impediments. There are a number of ways of combining the qualitative and quantitative research that is discussed in the lecture. Furthermore, the importance of evaluating the different perspectives of researchers and participants is discussed in the lecture. Mixed method of research is used for filling the gaps when neither of the research strategies can provide the answers. Bibliography Bryman, A. and Bell, E., 2015.Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA. Bryman, A., 2015.Social research methods. Oxford university press. Fassinger, R. and Morrow, S.L., 2013. Toward best practices in quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method research: A social justice perspective.Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology,5(2), pp.69-83. Grbich, C., 2012.Qualitative data analysis: An introduction. Sage. McCusker, K. and Gunaydin, S., 2015. Research using qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods and choice based on the research.Perfusion,30(7), pp.537-542. Miles, M.B., Huberman, A.M. and Saldana, J., 2013.Qualitative data analysis. Sage. Palinkas, L.A., Horwitz, S.M., Green, C.A., Wisdom, J.P., Duan, N. and Hoagwood, K., 2015. Purposeful sampling for qualitative data collection and analysis in mixed method implementation research.Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research,42(5), pp.533-544. Sgier, L., 2012. Qualitative data analysis.Academic Swiss Caucasus Net. Terrell, S.R., 2012. Mixed-methods research methodologies.The qualitative report,17(1), pp.254-280. Venkatesh, V., Brown, S.A. and Bala, H., 2013. Bridging the qualitative-quantitative divide: Guidelines for conducting mixed methods research in information systems.MIS quarterly,37(1).

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