Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Some People Prefer Get Up Early Essay Example for Free
A few People Prefer Get Up Early Essay I lean toward rise early Some individuals want to rise promptly in the first part of the day and start the days work. Others like to rise later in the day and work until late around evening time. Which do you like? in my view, a few people need to rise promptly in the first part of the day and start the days work in the lodging and some rise later in the day and begin to work late around evening time in the night advertise. I incline toward the principal decision because of my status as an understudy. My cousin Pretty is a secretary on day move in the Diamond Hotel. To outline, she needs to get herself up at 4 am to prepare nourishment for breakfast since she should be busy working at 7 am. In addition, she doesn't have a lot of time to sit in front of the TV or tune in to the radio. She chooses to share time among washing and having for breakfast make-up which is significant for individuals filling in as receptionists in the lodging. Carrying out this responsibility affects her resting propensity. She goes through just five hours getting some rest which regularly takes eight hour all things considered. My auntie, Ann, is a road merchant who sells numerous things running from meat, pork and vegetables. To be explicit, she awakens at 2 pm to plan merchandise prepared before the start of the night showcase around 8 pm. Her child helps convey products and set up a selling slow down. After 12 PM, she and her child need to gather up the selling slow down for tomorrow. This work makes her have no an ideal opportunity to raise and converse with her child. I concentrate in a school since I need to deal with my canine. For this situation, I have a lot of time after work to think about her. I generally take her to a recreation center and have a walk and eat consistently. The explanation I can do these things is that I have the days school; consequently, I have a decent chance to play with my pooch . Getting up toward the beginning of the day or later around evening time is a decision relying upon various conditions. The activity is one of the most significant markers affecting your rising early or late consistently. For me, it influences my choice on raising my stunning pooch.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
War And Psychology Essay Example For Students
War And Psychology Essay The experience of war places weights on the human soul that can barely beimagined in peacetime. Quandaries that can be to a great extent maintained a strategic distance from in time of peacemust be looked in a period of war. Worry for ones own physical security is oftenat chances with worry for the prosperity of ones compatriots. The directs ofthe mind frequently battle the directs of the feelings. In such a pull of warsituation, where commonsense and moral elements adjust themselves in weird andironic designs, it is not really astounding that people react in highlydivergent ways. In this paper, the perils that war postures to the human psychewill be thought of and an endeavor will be made to represent the some of thevariability that can be found in the manner by which people react to thesethreats. An assessment of two books proposes that specific character characteristics helpinoculate individuals in time of war, better empowering them to withstand the assaultsof war. It additionall y recommends that the nonappearance of specific qualities makes peoplevulnerable when they are set in compromising conditions. In looking at twoliterary works: The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis and The English Patient byMichael Ondaatje three character qualities that were fundamental so as to ensurespiritual endurance were plainly appeared. These characteristics were confidence, fearlessness, andloyalty. Over the span of this paper, unique consideration will be given to thecharacter attributes portrayed previously. The criticalness of their quality or absencein the characters of various scholarly characters will be thought of. InThe Screwtape Letters, Lewis depicts a mysterious English protagoniststruggling to keep up his profound honesty against the ambushes oftemptations of Hell during World War Two. In The English Patient, Ondaatjeportrays a gathering of characters, united by their circumstances,reacting to what the creator depicts as the tsunami of war. The significance offait h, fortitude and dedication empower Lewis character to profoundly endure allthe ambushes of wartime. The nonattendance of these attributes cause Ondaatjescharacters to fumble. Confidence, boldness and dependability give a fundamental frameworkfor moral idea and activity, empowering the spirit to endure much under theadverse conditions introduced by war. C.S. Lewis manages thedangers that war postures to the human mind. In his wartime work entitled TheScrewtape Letters, he presents a basically confident view concerning theability of the spirit to endure the attacks of war. He suggests that having theright point of view is the way in to the spirits endurance. Lewis manages a widevariety of allurements that serve to subvert the honesty of man in hisjourney through life. These enticements attest their capacity to some degreein peacetime. However, their capacity is regularly fortified by the weights of war. InThe English Patient, Michael Ondaatje presents a completely extraordinary persp ectiveconcerning the impacts of war on the human mind. In spite of the fact that he never spells itout, Ondaatje appears to take a genuinely deterministic view. The destiny of hischaracters frequently appears to lie outside their ability to control. It is as though hischaracters have been struck by a goliath tsunami and are vulnerable to oppose asthey are diverted. The peruser only sometimes gets the feeling that Ondaatjescharacters have options other than to might suspect and act the manner in which they do. Theyare introduced as casualties of conditions who warrant our empathy yet not ourjudgment. Every leave the war profoundly scarred in the otherworldly sense. In the workof C.S. Lewis, steadfastness to God is the factor that guarantees the soulssurvival. Lewis depicts the peril of being overpowered by the stream ofimmediate sense encounters (Lewis pg.12). A keeps an eye on propensity to concentrate on theimmediate and the individual to the detriment of the general undermines his abilityto get by in any profound sense. When concentrating all alone inconvenience,hunger and torment, a man will in general dismiss more extensive concerns, for example, hisspiritual prosperity and the benefit of everyone. Confidence empowers a man to concentrate on thespiritual and the everlasting, to confront every days preliminaries with responsibility anddetermination and to endure war with his mind flawless. Lewis thinks about theparadox of war. Lewis contends convincingly that, while some might be obliterated bywar, others may really encounter profound development through misfortune. Alertedto the limited idea of life and made increasingly aware of the necessities of others, amans confidence and quality may thrive in manners that he never imagined conceivable. .u50874588cec140a3385170e43a3b4e0c , .u50874588cec140a3385170e43a3b4e0c .postImageUrl , .u50874588cec140a3385170e43a3b4e0c .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u50874588cec140a3385170e43a3b4e0c , .u50874588cec140a3385170e43a3b4e0c:hover , .u50874588cec140a3385170e43a3b4e0c:visited , .u50874588cec140a3385170e43a3b4e0c:active { border:0!important; } .u50874588cec140a3385170e43a3b4e0c .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u50874588cec140a3385170e43a3b4e0c { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u50874588cec140a3385170e43a3b4e0c:active , .u50874588cec140a3385170e43a3b4e0c:hover { haziness: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u50874588cec140a3385170e43a3b4e0c .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u50874588cec140a3385170e43a3b4e0c .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content improvement: underline; } .u50874588cec140a3385170e43a3b4e0c .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u50874588cec140a3385170e43a3b4e0c .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content beautification: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/straightforward arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u50874588cec140a3385170e43a3b4e0c:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u50874588cec140a3385170e43a3b4e0c .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u50874588cec140a3385170e43a3b4e0c-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u50874588cec140a3385170e43a3b4e0c:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Chemistry And Atom Essay We will compose a custom article on War And Psychology explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Lewis disperses the conviction that a long, moderately tranquil or easy life isany assurance of profound endurance. He communicates dread for the spirits of thosewho kick the bucket in exorbitant nursing homes in the midst of specialists who lie, medical caretakers who lie, friendswho liepromising life to the perishing, empowering the conviction that sicknessexcuses each guilty pleasure, and in any event, retaining a minister in case is ought to betrayto the debilitated man his actual condition. (Lewis pg. 32). During wartime, the needfor fearlessness can't be disregarded. Lewis considers fortitude to be not just one of thevirtues, yet the type of each righteousness at the testing point, which implies thepoint of most elevated reality. A celibacy or trustworthiness, or kindness, which yields todanger will be virtuous or legit or lenient just on conditions. Pilate wasmerciful till it got unsafe (Lewis pg. 148). However, boldness must be groundedin confidence and renunciation to Gods w ill. Lewis clarifies how agonizing over thefuture and playing it safe against the threats of war tend to underminecourage. At the point when a man starts to fixate on all the things he can do to increasehis odds of endurance, his pledge to performing his responsibility becomes honeycombedall through with minimal oblivious reservations. In a snapshot of terror,these reservations will stand up for themselves and his superseding concern will bephysical self-preservation.(Lewis p150). Just by placing his full trust in Godcan a man stay away from the dangers to the soul that vulnerability brings and actcourageously under all conditions. Key characters in The English Patient eachpossess a portion of the qualities that Lewis esteems to be significant: Yet each ofOndaatjes characters shows certain frailties that debilitate his odds ofspiritual endurance. Every one of the characters is significantly impacted by the?stream of prompt sense encounters that Lewis examinations so strikingly inthe Screwtape Letters. Each permits the torment and enduring that he has witnessedto annihilate any confidence he had in God, nation or the war exertion. Caravaggio is aman who has huge boldness. In his job as a covert agent for the Allies, herisks passing and torment consistently all through the war. After beingcaptured by the Germans and having his thumbs cut off by them, he discovers his wayto an estate in Florence where Hana, a Canadian attendant and little girl of an oldfriend is thinking about a copied and kicking the bucket tolerant. There, he commits his days toconvincing Hana and Kip, the sapper whom Hana cherishes, to surrender theirresponsibilities. He encourages Hana to leave her withering patient despite the fact that there isno one remaining to think about him. Alluding to the Bedoin tribesmen who saved theburning man, he says, Those men in the desert were more brilliant than you. Theyassumed that he could be valuable. So they spared him, however when he was no longerusef ul, they left him.(Ondaatje pg. 45) Confiding to Kip, he faults the waron the wealthy who need to keep the principles of theircivilized world. Theydeclare war, they have respect and they cannot leave. Be that as it may, both of you. We three. Were free. What number of sappers bite the dust? Why arent you dead yet? Be flighty. Karma run
Sunday, August 9, 2020
What do Recruiters Want in a Resume Answers within
What do Recruiters Want in a Resume Answers within⦠Last week I heard from one of my clients who was offered a new job. When she got the offer, the hiring manager told her that when they saw her resume, they just *had* to find out who the person was behind this unusually crafted document! Interestingly, she had gotten less positive feedback from some other people. Yet she stuck with her slightly unconventional resume and it led her to a great job. A Sea of Opinions Perhaps what drives job seekers crazy more than anything else is that if they ask 7 people to review their resume, they will get 7 different opinions about what is working and not working about the document. This state of affairs is challenging for me as a resume writer too: no matter how great I think a resume is, there will always be someone who disagrees with at least something about it. In an attempt to set the record straight, and to debunk the rumors and folklore that abound in conversation about resume writing, Career Directors International recently conducted a survey of recruiters, human resource professionals and hiring authorities: Global Hiring Trends 2012 I encourage you to read the entire report if you can. It is a quick read, full of illustrative graphs and charts. To give you an idea of whatâs in there, I am highlighting some of the most salient results here. The Truth about Page Limits! A question that comes up extremely frequently with job seekers is whether their resume can be more than one pageâ"or more than two pages. During my Top 10 Ways to Make Resume Writing FUN webinar on July 12, someone asked whether his resume could be automatically rejected by a company simply for breaking the 2-page barrier. I am happy to report that these fears are for the most part unfounded. Page Preferences for Executive Resumes In the survey, 37% of respondents stated that âlength is not an issue as long as the resume provides the right data to make decisionsââ"and 8% actually preferred a 3-page resume, vs. 6% who preferred a 1-pager! (Only 34% preferred a 2-page resume.) Perhaps most important, 58% of respondents stated that they would NOT penalize an executive candidate for having a resume that did not meet their preferences (only 5% stated they would do so). Hereâs a surprise to me: Several respondents stated that 5 pages was the maximum length they would read! Did you hear that, ladies and gentlemen? A 5-page resume! I think this reality check is a good one for any executives attempting to squeeze their resume onto 2 pages. Clearly it is more important to include essential information such as achievements and experiences than to meet some mythical page requirement. A hard-hitting resume with a compelling message about what the executive will do for a company will almost always be read, regardless of length. Page Preferences for Non-Executive Resumes When it comes to non-executive resumes, there is a higher preference for 2-page resumes, at 37%, and a lower percentage of respondents who didnât have a preference (21%). One-page resumes were preferred by 21% of respondents for non-executive resumes, and only 6% preferred a 3-page resume. Iâm putting my money on the 2-page resume for non-execs! Conclusion on the page length issue: Itâs not size that mattersâ"itâs content! A hefty 54% of respondents said the length would not really matter if the resume were well-written and highly focused. As one respondent stated, âAs long as the person has a reason for several pages and I can find value in what is written, I donât care. However, if the résumé is filled with nothing but job duties on 80 separate lines, it is a waste of space and my time.â (The same could be said of a 1-page resume that doesnât deliver the goods.) Resume Format and Design Format and design questions rank high on jobseekersâ question lists. The question that most interested me was about graphs and charts on resumes. Surprisingly, 33% of respondents still have not received a resume with a chart or a graph. 24% of those who had seen charts and graphs found them helpful or very helpful, while 22% found them distracting. These results are rather inconclusive but indicate to me that if you work in a conservative industry it might be best to stick to the tried and true bullet format; in more innovative industries I think charts and graphs can be a great fresh approach. Also for someone climbing the ladder within the same company, charts and graphs might be very effective. I was also intrigued by the response to rumors that some recruiters and hiring managers never click live links because of the possibility of viruses. The results of this survey tell a different story. Although 17% of respondents never click on links, 62% of reported that they sometimes or always click on hyperlinks when provided. Regarding format, the survey found that Word (.doc or .docx) is the preferred format for receiving resumes by far, although 23% preferred PDFs. Tooting Your Horn I have begun to include testimonials on almost every resume. Should you put them on yours? Although 41% of respondents said testimonials would not influence their decision positively, 29% stated they would. To me thatâs enough support to continue my practice of including testimonials when space allows. Iâd rather have someone else sing my clientsâ praises than have the clients toot their own horns. You might want to find a quotable quote for your own resume as well. No Rules What this survey brought home for me is that there are no hard and fast rules of resume writing. However, if you focus on communicating your skills and accomplishments honestly and professionally, in a way that matches who you are, I figure you canât go wrong. Sure, as my client found out, there are multiple opinions out there and there is no way you will please everyone. But in the end, you only need to impress one person: the one who hires you. Do you want professional resume writing services to make sure you make the right impression? The Essay Expertâs Resume and Cover Letter Services will turn your resume into gold.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Essay - 1538 Words
Exapmles of actions and decisions based on manââ¬â¢s wisdom and godââ¬â¢s wisdom was when they encountered the goathearded and decided to let them go. Even though they knew of the risk that if they let them go, they might inform the tailaban or mignt get tortured by the taiban to revela anyhthng they still let them go. This celary shos they wiesom and how they are under gods rule. It isnââ¬â¢t easy to leave your life up to luck. That what they exactly did they would rather free the goatheards than themselves. It shows hos gods wisom is in them. Shortly after large numbe of tailaban troops came down to the mountains They fight back, killing many Taliban soldiers, but theyââ¬â¢re so badly outnumbered that they have no choice but to retreat, jumping down theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The good that took place in this book was when Lutterleââ¬â¢s leg is badly wouned and he craws up the side of mountain and sees three men pointing huns at him. They were Pashtuns-an ethn ic group that lives primalry in afghanista nad pakistand. They have this ancient custom,â⬠lokhayâ⬠, that requeirs them to take care of people in need even if ti means risking their own lives. The leader of the three men a doctor named Sarawa, had luttrell carried back to his village Sabray, and treats his wounds. Luttrell is terried but he relaixes he had no choice and accepts the firend. Like that part of the book was the only good I have heard so far. Them taking an amiercan and not only an ameircan but a soldier was just shocking. Especially just because of their acntient tradition. The act of common graced also takes plaxe here. The doctrine of common grace pertains to the soverign graxce of God bestowed upon all of mankind regardless of their election. In other woeds god has always bstowed his graciousness on all people in all parts of the eath. What the Pashtuns did was possible by gods grachiousness that he had put in his people. As ti says in common grace that gods restaining of evil the navy seals had that when they let go of the goatherds. He gave them the wisdom not to commit sin. The sin that the goatherds had commited telling on the navy seals had resulted the chaosShow MoreRelatedWhat Is an Essay?1440 Words à |à 6 PagesBuscemi Essay #3 Rough Draft An essay is a creative written piece in which the author uses different styles such as diction, tone, pathos, ethos or logos to communicate a message to the reader using either a personal experience, filled with morals and parables, or a informative text filled with educational terms. Educational terms could mean the usage of complicated and elevated words or simply information you would get in schools. Some authors, such as Cynthia Ozick, claim that an essay has noRead Morenarrative essay1321 Words à |à 6 PagesNarrative Essay A Brief Guide to Writing Narrative Essays Narrative writing tells a story. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Who Is A Successful - 2306 Words
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Then there is Patricia Martinez, who is a wife and mother of three children and works everyday to help pay for the stuff that they own without hardly ever getting a break. These two people who lived in different ways, and having two completely different kind of success but itââ¬â¢s what they had achieved in during their life. These two people they grew up in a poor social class they showed with hard work they didnââ¬â¢t need to be born into a rich family so that they earn to get to where they are. When having a past that can be traumatic past, it can influence a person in different ways, depending how a person whether they letShow MoreRelatedWho Is A Successful Entrepreneur?948 Words à |à 4 Pagesnot have to have a certain personality in order to be a successful entrepreneur. One does, however, have to obtain certain personality traits, or characteristics, to truly have what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Innocent Man Free Essays
string(67) " that he analyzed were not marked as having come from a suspect\)\." THE INNOCENT MAN: MURDER AND INJUSTICE IN A SMALL TOWN, by John Grisham. New York: Doubleday, 2006. 368pp. We will write a custom essay sample on The Innocent Man or any similar topic only for you Order Now Hardcover. $28. 95. ISBN: 9780385517232. Reviewed by Jack E. Call, Department of Criminal Justice, Radford University. Email: jcall [at] RADFORD. EDU. John Grishamââ¬â¢s legal novels are well-known to avid readers of that literary genre. THE INNOCENT MAN is Grishamââ¬â¢s first (and so far only) venture into non-fiction. It tells the story of Ron Williamson, an Oklahoma boy with great promise as a professional baseball player. However, the demons of drink, drugs, and mental illness prevented Williamson from fulfilling that potential. Eventually, Williamsonââ¬â¢s demons also destroyed his marriage, prevented him from holding a decent job, and resulted in his development of a local reputation as an erratic, unpredictable man who could be likable at times but was generally not to be trusted. When a young female acquaintance, Debbie Carter, was found raped and murdered in her garage apartment in his hometown of Ada, Oklahoma, in 1982, it was not surprising that the police eventually considered him a person of interest. For many readers, THE INNOCENT MAN will interest them as a story about a man whose promise as a person is unrealized and who becomes a victim of the criminal justice system. Their interest will lie in Ron Williamson, the person. For others, the interest lies in the story the case tells about the criminal justice system. As such, it can be added to a growing list of stories told about justice gone awry. THE INNOCENT MAN paints a picture of a seriously flawed criminal justice system. While virtually no component of the system portrayed in the book emerges unscathed, it is the police who look particularly bad, with the prosecution running a close second. The police did a reasonably good job of investigating the murder scene (although at trial, Williamsonââ¬â¢s defense attorney pointed out in his cross-examination of one of the primary investigators that they had failed to look for fingerprints in several logical places). Numerous people who knew Debbie Carter or had been at the night club where she was last seen alive in public were interviewed. None of them mentioned anything about Ron Williamson. Glen Gore should have been an obvious suspect. He had been seen with Debbie hours before her death, talking with her at her car in the parking lot of the night club she had attended that evening. At least one witness said that Debbie was seen pushing Gore away, although others reported seeing nothing unusual occur between the two. At least two people indicated that Debbie had told them that [*603] she was afraid of Gore. (Unfortunately, Grisham is a bit unclear as to how much of this information was known to the police. He makes it clear that one person called the police and reported to them that Debbie had a running dispute with Gore about a windshield wiper that she thought Gore had stolen from her car and that she was afraid of Gore. It is unclear how much of the other evidence connecting Gore to Debbie on the night of her murder was uncovered by the police. However, if the police were unaware of much of this evidence, they obviously could have found it, since Grisham was able to find it). The police apparently focused on Williamson as a suspect when, three months after the murder, Robert Deatherage told the police that he had just finished a short stint in the local jail, where he had shared a cell with Williamson. He indicated that Williamson had seemed uneasy every time the subject of the Carter murder had come up in conversation. Grisham does not indicate why the police interviewed Deatherage). The interest of the police in Williamson as a suspect was increased further because he kept weird hours, had engaged in much erratic behavior, lived a short distance from Debbie Carterââ¬â¢s apartment, and had recently been acquitted on two rape charges. When Williamson reported ââ¬Å"dream confessionsâ⬠about Debbieââ¬â¢s murder (ââ¬Å"I dreamed that I . . . â⬠) on two separate occasions to a jailer and to two police interro gators, he became their primary suspect. Although there was little to no evidence suggesting more than one perpetrator, the investigating officers were convinced that there were two murderers. They decided a friend of Williamson, Dennis Fritz, must have been involved. The evidence against him was not strong, but they convinced him to take a polygraph examination. The examiner found his answers evasive. Given the evidence against Fritz, as described by Grisham, it is difficult to see how the police thought they even had probable cause to arrest Fritz, much less proof beyond a reasonable doubt to convict. Nevertheless, he was arrested, tried (before Williamson), and convicted. The case against Fritz consisted of guilt by association with Williamson (although the case against Williamson was not presented to the Fritz jury); testimony from three jailhouse snitches; forensic evidence that Fritz was a non-secretor (a person whose blood type cannot be determined from bodily fluids, which is true for about 20% of the population); and forensic evidence that hair samples found at the murder scene were consistent with Fritzââ¬â¢ hair. As weak as this evidence was, it was further weakened by the fact that the forensic expert who testified that Fritz was a non-secretor was far from certain that the killer (or killers) were non-secretors. In addition, the first lab analyst to examine the hair samples found at the murder scene concluded that those samples were only microscopically consistent with Debbie Carterââ¬â¢s hair and not with any samples taken from other persons (a fact that was never shared with the defense). This result required analysis from another technician, who ultimately concluded that some of the samples were consistent with Fritzââ¬â¢ hair. It took this expert over two years to do his analysis, and he did so with the knowledge that when he was analyzing Fritzââ¬â¢ hair, Fritz was a suspect in the case. (Other hair samples that he analyzed were not marked as having come from a suspect). You read "The Innocent Man" in category "Essay examples" [*604] The prosecutionââ¬â¢s case may have been strengthened when it was able to prove during cross-examination of Dennis Fritz that he had lied to the school system when he indicated on his job application that he had no criminal convictions. In fact, he had once been convicted of growing marijuana. When the police had discovered this fact during its investigation, they called the junior high school where Fritz was working and told them that he was under investigation for murder and had lied about his marijuana-growing conviction. The school system fired him immediately). The prosecution also established that Fritz had lied about the marijuana-growing conviction on an applica tion for a gun permit. Although this testimony may have strengthened the prosecutionââ¬â¢s case a little by showing that Fritz had lied on at least wo occasions, the case in chief from the prosecution was so weak to start with that it is difficult to imagine how the case survived a motion for a directed verdict from the defense, much less provided a sufficient basis for a juryââ¬â¢s conclusion that Fritz was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The jury sentenced him to life in prison. The prosecution was now ready to try Williamson. Much of its case consisted of the same evidence presented against Dennis Fritz. However, the prosecution had a couple of advantages that it lacked at the Fritz trial. First, it had the ââ¬Å"dream confessionsâ⬠that Williamson had related to the police and a jailer. Second, Williamson was clearly mentally ill and prone to exhibiting behavior in the courtroom that did not make a good impression on the jury. For example, when a jailhouse snitch testified against Williamson, he interrupted her more than once, calling her a liar and threatening her. The prosecution may also have benefited from the fact that when Glen Gore was called to testify, he refused to answer questions. His reasons for doing so were unclear (he was in prison on charges unrelated to the Carter murder, and he may have been concerned about the impression he would have created with his fellow inmates if he had ââ¬Å"snitchedâ⬠on Williamson). Since he had testified at the Williamson preliminary hearing, however, and had been subjected to cross-examination there, the trial judge allowed that testimony to be read to the jury. Such testimony might not be as forceful as in-court testimony, but this was no doubt more than counteracted by the fact that at the preliminary hearing, Williamsonââ¬â¢s defense attorney had not cross-examined Williamson about his criminal record of violent offenses and his own whereabouts on the night of the murder. Consequently, the jury heard none of this information. Although the prosecutionââ¬â¢s case was no doubt a little stronger against Williamson than it had been against Fritz, it was still quite weak. Yet it yielded the same result ââ¬â a unanimous jury vote for conviction after deliberations of only six hours (including a lunch break). And this time the jury recommended a sentence of death. To this point in the case, the criminal justice system had done little to inspire confidence. The police failed to investigate the possibility that the last [*605] person seen with Debbie Carter, a person with a propensity for violence and known to be a person she feared, might have killed her. The police had made misrepresentations to suspects and pressured them and other witnesses, although that pressure may not have risen to the level of coercion. One witness, who lived not far from Dennis Fritz, had heard some noise outside his home very late one night in December (the month of Debbieââ¬â¢s murder). When he looked outside, he saw two men washing themselves off with his garden hose. The police were convinced that this was Fritz and Williamson washing Debbieââ¬â¢s blood off after killing her. However, the witness could not remember what night this was, nor could he say for certain who the two men were, even after being shown pictures of Fritz and Williamson. Not long before Williamsonââ¬â¢s trial, Grisham indicates that one of the primary police investigators visited the witness, trying to suggest details that would strengthen the witnessââ¬â¢ testimony. When the witness declined to make his answers more helpful to the prosecution, Grisham says that the police officer ââ¬Å"brushed his coat away from his hip so [the witness] could see his service revolver . . . and said that [the witness] might get lead poisoning if his memory didnââ¬â¢t improveâ⬠(p. 193). The prosecution did not fare much better. It proceeded with two murder prosecutions on very limited evidence. It made extensive use of testimony from jailhouse snitches whose credibility was, at the very least, questionable. It failed to question why the police did not investigate Glen Goreââ¬â¢s possible involvement in Debbie Carterââ¬â¢s murder. Either the prosecution or the police labeled the hair samples of Fritz and Williamson as samples from suspects. The prosecution placed great reliance on the forensic analysis of the hair samples, even though one of its experts had failed to conclude that the samples that came from Fritz and Williamson were consistent with hair found at the murder scene. It failed to share this latter piece of information with the defense. It also failed to share with he defense a videotaped interrogation of Williamson in which he had steadfastly maintained his innocence. The forensic experts engaged in some questionable activities also. It seems inappropriate for one analyst to re-examine evidence when another competent analyst failed to arrive at the result desired by the prosecution. It is also questionable that hair samples should be analyzed when they are known by the analyst to have come from a suspect. The second hair sample analyst also testified at trial that the samples taken from Fritz and Williamson ââ¬Å"matchedâ⬠some hair found at the murder scene. Virtually all court decisions agree that hair sample analysis is too imperfect a science to permit use of the term ââ¬Å"matchâ⬠(ââ¬Å"consistent withâ⬠is the term that courts allow). The trial judge upheld an objection to the expertââ¬â¢s use of this term, but the jury had heard it and the damage was done. Perhaps the most egregious action taken by a forensic expert in this case involved the examination of a bloody palm print found on the wall in Debbie Carterââ¬â¢s [*606] apartment. The initial forensic analysis concluded that the palm print was not that of Fritz, Williamson, or Debbie Carter. This was a potential problem for the prosecution, because the palm print almost certainly had to have been left either by the victim or one of the killers. Since it was not Debbieââ¬â¢s and did not come from Fritz and Williamson, it could be argued persuasively that the true killer had still not been found. The prosecutionââ¬â¢s solution to this dilemma was to have Debbie Carterââ¬â¢s body exhumed and her palm print examined again. The forensic expert who did the initial analysis did it again and changed his mind, concluding that the bloody print on the wall was indeed Debbie Carterââ¬â¢s. In his 24-year career, this forensic expert had never changed his mind before. The trial judge can also be criticized. When it became apparent during the cross-examination of one of the investigating officers that the videotaped interrogation in which Williamson maintained his innocence had not been shared with the defense (a clear violation of the Supreme Court case, BRADY v. MARYLAND), the judge decided not to rule on the defenseââ¬â¢s motion for a retrial until after the trial. After trial, he ruled that withholding the videotape was not a violation of BRADY. As we have seen, the hair sample analysis was critical to the prosecutionââ¬â¢s case, but the trial judge refused to appoint an expert for the defense to permit it to conduct its own hair sample analysis. Perhaps the most questionable action taken by the trial judge was his failure to require that Williamson be examined for mental competency. While the responsibility to raise this issue lay primarily with the defense attorney, the trial judge had observed so many instances of strange and erratic behavior on the part of Ron Williamson that he almost certainly should have ordered a competency evaluation on his own initiative. One of the things that the literature on wrongful convictions makes abundantly clear is that, once a defendant has been convicted at a trial when there are serious questions regarding actual guilt, the likelihood that the defendant will ever be exonerated by the court system becomes extremely slim. Appellate courts only hear legal issues and do not generally review facts (such as the guilt or innocence of the defendant). Thus, Ron Williamson was clearly facing an uphill battle. However, it was exactly at this point that the system began to perform better. First, Williamson was represented by a series of indigent defense counsel (working as part of the public defender system in Oklahoma) who took their responsibilities very seriously indeed. All of them performed their duties conscientiously (although one might question whether Williamson should have had five different attorneys assigned to his case at various stages, with each new attorney being required to familiarize himself or herself with the case from scratch). In spite of the conscientious efforts of these attorneys, they lost all their motions in the state appellate courts. The Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals did conclude that errors had been made at Williamsonââ¬â¢s trial, but it [*607] also concluded that they were all harmless errors that had not affected the verdict). This left the case at the stage where federalà habeas corpusà relief could be sought, and Williamson was assigned yet another attorney, Janet Chesley, to handle this proceeding. Habeas corpusà peti tions are notoriously unappealing to federal judges (in no small part because most of them are crafted by prison inmates). However, the petition put together by Chesley was well-written and organized and immediately caught the eye of the US Magistrate assigned to review it by US District Judge Frank Seay. Her petition focused on the performance of the defense attorney (a common tactic because it is a back-handed way of arguing the defendantââ¬â¢s innocence), the failure to evaluate Williamsonââ¬â¢s mental competency, and the reliability of the hair sample analysis. The magistrate asked two law clerks in Judge Seayââ¬â¢s office review the petition as well. All three read the entire trial transcript and agreed that Williamson had not received a fair trial. After lengthy consideration, Williamsonââ¬â¢s execution was stayed, five days before it was to take place. One year after granting the stay of execution, Judge Seay granted Williamsonââ¬â¢sà habeasà petition and ordered a new trial. Several bases for the decision were cited, but the most important were the ineffectiveness of Williamsonââ¬â¢s trial attorney, admission of the hair sample analysis, denial of the defense request for its own hair sample expert, and failure of the trial court to look into Williamsonââ¬â¢s mental competency. The state appealed, and the order for retrial was upheld. At retrial, a competency hearing was conducted, and Williamson was found incompetent to stand trial. The defense knew that Williamson might well become competent with the assistance of medication, so it prepared for a new trial. It persuaded Barry Scheckââ¬â¢s Innocence Project to take on the case because it concluded that much forensic evidence in the case had not been properly analyzed. In early 1999, the semen found on Debbie Carter and at the crime scene was subjected to the latest DNA technology. That analysis excluded both Williamson and Fritz as sources of the semen. The prosecution still resisted a motion to dismiss, however, and insisted that the hair samples be analyzed also. When that DNA analysis also failed to match Williamson and Fritz, the prosecution finally agreed to dismiss the charges against both, and they were released. In an interesting post-script, the DNA analyses suggested that the semen found in Debbie Carterââ¬â¢s vagina was that of Glen Gore, who was in prison for another offense. When he heard from national reporters that they wanted to talk with him, he surmised that he was now a suspect in the Carter murder. Two of Williamsonââ¬â¢s attorneys had questioned Gore, suggesting that they thought he might have killed Debbie Carter). However, prison authorities had not been informed of this, so they did not remove him from an out-of-prison work detail to which he was assigned. The day after hearing from the reporters, Gore simply walked away from his work [*608] site. Six days later he turned himself in. Four years later he was convicted of Debbie Carterââ¬â¢s murder and awarded a death sentence (later reduced to life imprisonment as a result of appellate proceedings). John Grisham is both a storyteller and a lawyer. However, it is the storyteller that dominates this book. That makes the book very readable, but it detracts from the usefulness of the book as a pedagogical tool. The book has no footnotes (or index, for that matter), and Grisham seldom tells us the source of his information. For example, the story about the police officer who told a witness that he ââ¬Å"might get lead poisoning if his memory did not improve,â⬠reflects very badly on the police. However, the reader does not know why Grisham thinks this incident occurred, so it is very difficult for the reader to assess the reliability of the story. (Presumably the witness in question was the source, but Grisham simply does not share that information with the reader). Sometimes Grisham points to damning information that seems to reflect negatively on someone involved in the case, but his description of the information leaves the reader uncertain as to who knew what and when. For example, he is very critical of the police failure to investigate Glen Gore as a suspect. As described earlier, there was a lot of information pointing to Gore, but Grisham never makes it clear how much of that information was actually known to the police or when it was known to them. In addition, Grisham sometimes refers to cases or studies without providing cites to them. For all these reasons, THE INNOCENT MAN would be of questionable utility in a course on the judicial process, criminal procedure, or wrongful convictions. q How to cite The Innocent Man, Essay examples The Innocent Man Free Essays The Innocent Man is non-fiction examining several particularly unjust criminal convictions in the Oklahoma justice system. But as non-fiction, you will not believe how innocent people can be railroaded onto death row on almost no evidence whatsoever, coerced confessions and unscrupulous prosecutors who want someoneââ¬â¢s head on a stick without truly looking for the killer. The main target in the book is Ron Williamson, who has a humble beginning as the son of a door to door salesman, then to a career as a professional baseball player, drafted by the Oakland Aââ¬â¢s. We will write a custom essay sample on The Innocent Man or any similar topic only for you Order Now But like many promising baseball players, he bounced around the minor leagues for years before retiring in his mid-20ââ¬â¢s. . After his short sports career that took him no higher than the minor leagues, Williamson returned home to Oklahoma. He developed a mental illness and a drinking problem and when a young woman in his neighborhood was stabbed to death, poor Ron was the obvious suspect since no one liked him anyway. You might think this all happened in less enlightened times, but it took place in the 1980ââ¬â¢s. Ron and Dennis Fritz spent years in jail as they exhausted their appeals and finally convinced a federal judge that the conviction was an outrage, based on almost no evidence and the fact that Ron was mentally-ill. The judge overturned the conviction on a Habeas Corpus petition by Ronââ¬â¢s lawyers only a few days before his execution. For years, Ron was screaming in his jail cell that he was innocent. The Innocence Project, a New York City organization that works to free the wrongly-convicted, took his case and won his freedom. What happened to Ron Williamson could happen to anyone. The guy he was convicted with was probably sent to jail because he was merely friends with Ron. You could be arrested tomorrow for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. A jury of your ââ¬Å"peersâ⬠could convict you on with no evidence simply because the prosecutor told them you committed the crime. We learn that innocent men are sometimes sent to Death Row. We learn that this innocent man barely escaped execution. There may be many people who still believe that all lawmen are honest, government officials never make mistakes, and innocent men are never put to death. But, I think it is easy to say that there are bad apples in every crowd and yes, even bad people in some of the most respectable positions in the world. How to cite The Innocent Man, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Business Enterprise and Capstone Project â⬠MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Business Enterprise and Capstone Project. Answer: Week 1 Week 1 discusses about the nature process and strategy of a business research. The lecture provides an overview of the role and importance of theory in research work and the process of business research. The research can be broadly classified into qualitative, quantitative and mixed research. The lecture focuses on the reasons for conducting a business research. A business research mainly consists of different sections such as literature review, research questions and reasoning. The lecture further discusses the concepts of objectivism and constructionism or constructivism. The lecture concludes with a discussion about the different research methods and the factors that influences a researchers choice of methods. Week 2 The lecture of week 2 discusses about the research design and planning of the research process. The entire lecture is sub divided into different sections such as research methods and designs, types of validity, threats to the validity, different types of designs such as cross sectional, evaluating, longitudinal and comparative. It further discusses about the process of preparation of a research proposal. It indicates the importance of following the dissertation guidelines in preparation of research proposal. Proper Management of time and resources is an important consideration. The lecture highlights the key differences between a research methods and research design. Week 3 The lecture of week 3 discusses about the importance of literature review in writing a business research. The lecture provides an overview of the doing and writing a literature review and the associated issues that are needed to be considered while writing a literature review, such as plagiarism, and academic writing. The two main approaches of literature review are systemic review and narrative review. Referencing the sources is an important consideration while writing a literature review. The lecture indicates that systematic reviewing enhances the reliability of the literature searching and reviewing a literature. Not only a good research, but also a good writing is important for literature review. Week 4 The lecture of week 4 discusses about the ethics and legal consideration in business research. The lecture discusses the ethical issues, principal, legal consideration and difficulties of ethical decision-making. The lecture establishes that the research participants do not abrogate the right to privacy entirely even by providing an informed consent. It is Researchers are often asked to sign confidentiality agreements before conducting a research. The lecture provides a brief overview of deception and legal considerations. The major ethical concerns in research studies include invasion of privacy, lack of informed consent and deception. Week 5 The lecture of week 5 discusses about the nature of the qualitative research, sampling and participant in observation. The entire lecture covers the different aspects of qualitative research and its approaches to reliability and validity. It further discusses the concept of sampling and ethnography. The lecture further discusses the similarities between the qualitative and quantitative research. Qualitative research is however more open-ended research in comparison with the quantitative research. One of the key points of the lecture session is that the theoretical saturation is an important principal for decision-making about the sample size. Week 6 The lecture of week 6 discusses about interviewing, focus groups and language of the qualitative research. The lecture provides an overview of the different types of interviews, details about the focus groups and different process of analysis. The lecture discusses the importance of choosing a proper interview location for conducting an uninterrupted interview. The lecture provides a detailed overview of conversation analysis and its key concepts such as indexality and reflexivity. The overall lecture suggests that qualitative interview should be flexible and an interview guide should not be too structured. Qualitative method is an important method of data collection in feminist studies. Week 7 The lecture of week 7 provides an overview of the Qualitative data Analysis. It discusses the process of analytic induction, grounded theory, qualitative content analysis and historical analysis. The lecture provides a brief overview off the memos, which are the notes written by researchers to themselves. There are several problems with coding that are discussed in the lecture of week7. Apart from this, the lecture covers the different criteria for assessing the quality of a document such as authenticity, credibility, representativeness and meaning. The lectured provided a detailed knowledge about documents, which are a very heterogeneous set of data sources. Week 8 The lecture of week 8 discusses about the nature and sampling of quantitative research. The lecture covers the concepts, its indicator and criticisms of quantitative research. It provides with an idea of generalization, probability sample and potential sources of error in a survey research. The use of measurement in a quantitative research is discussed in the lecture along with the concepts of stability and validity. The lecture further covers the different types of probability sample and the different factors that affect the sample size. It is a mechanism for reducing the bias in selection of samples. Week 9 The lecture of week 9 discusses about the structured interviewing and questionary design. The lecture discusses the different types of interviews along with the criticisms of quantitative research. The advantages and disadvantages of questionnaire and open questions are discussed. The lecture provides an overview of the common mistakes of designing the research questions and importance of piloting and pre testing questions of an interview. There are different issues that can be faced while preparation of interview questions. Closed questions are generally referable for conducting a survey, while open questions are used in qualitative interviewing. Week 10 The lecture of week 10 discusses about the structured observation and content analysis. The lecture establishes the advantages and disadvantages of content analysis and discusses the role of research questions in content analysis. The lecture provides an idea of a coding schedule. The lecture evaluates the key concept of structured observation and discusses the common problems concerning the reliability, validity and generalizability. The coding schedule and coding manual are crucial stages of content analysis. It establishes the importance of clarity in designing the research questions. It furthermore discusses the concept of coding manual, that gives guidance on how to code. Week 11 The lecture of week 11 provides an overview of secondary analysis and quantitative data analysis. The importance of the secondary analysis and its limitation is discussed. It explores the secondary analysis of collected data and process of obtaining such data sets. However, there are certain limitations of secondary analysis such as presence of large and complex data, missing variables in analysis and so on. The lecture puts highlights the advantages of quantitative data from the surveys. The lecture gives a detailed idea about the secondary analysis and its advantages and disadvantages. It further gives an overview of the official statistics and its disadvantages. Week 12 The lecture of week 12 discusses about the mixed methods of the research. There had been a considerable growth in the mixed method researches. However, there are certain objections to the mixed methods, which include epistemological impediments and ontological impediments. There are a number of ways of combining the qualitative and quantitative research that is discussed in the lecture. Furthermore, the importance of evaluating the different perspectives of researchers and participants is discussed in the lecture. Mixed method of research is used for filling the gaps when neither of the research strategies can provide the answers. Bibliography Bryman, A. and Bell, E., 2015.Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA. Bryman, A., 2015.Social research methods. Oxford university press. Fassinger, R. and Morrow, S.L., 2013. Toward best practices in quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method research: A social justice perspective.Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology,5(2), pp.69-83. Grbich, C., 2012.Qualitative data analysis: An introduction. Sage. McCusker, K. and Gunaydin, S., 2015. Research using qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods and choice based on the research.Perfusion,30(7), pp.537-542. Miles, M.B., Huberman, A.M. and Saldana, J., 2013.Qualitative data analysis. Sage. Palinkas, L.A., Horwitz, S.M., Green, C.A., Wisdom, J.P., Duan, N. and Hoagwood, K., 2015. Purposeful sampling for qualitative data collection and analysis in mixed method implementation research.Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research,42(5), pp.533-544. Sgier, L., 2012. Qualitative data analysis.Academic Swiss Caucasus Net. Terrell, S.R., 2012. Mixed-methods research methodologies.The qualitative report,17(1), pp.254-280. Venkatesh, V., Brown, S.A. and Bala, H., 2013. Bridging the qualitative-quantitative divide: Guidelines for conducting mixed methods research in information systems.MIS quarterly,37(1).
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Separate Peace And Peace Desire Essays - Phillips Exeter Academy
Separate Peace And Peace Desire Searching for peace can be a challenge when every thing around you has something to do with war. Growing up can be difficult as well but through the tough times people become more knowledgeable. In A Separate Peace, by John Knowles, Finny, Gene, and Leper each struggle find peace and escape reality without having to face the truths to their lives. For Leper, Finny, and Gene, it is hard to find tranquility with a war happening around them. For example, Finny couldn't find serenity with himself because of his broken leg and that caused him to devise the idea of the fake war. It was hard for him to be happy because of his disability. Because of this, he felt useless and so he produced this idea so he could be at ease and not be an outcast. In addition, Leper looks for a beaver dam instead of working to be carefree and escape the war, "...we all volunteered...But not Leper." He does this because he is afraid that a change in his life may disrupt his quiet state. By escaping through nature, he is avoiding the truths to his life. Furthermore, Gene fins a challenge in being placid because of his situation with Finny. He is unsure of his own opinion because he is used to agreeing with Finny, that he never developed his own thoughts and ideas. It's not until Finny's death that he finds his peace. With all these things happening around them they struggle to be mellow but find a similar relief in the fact that they will always have their own separate peace at Devon. Through all these events, all the characters suffer their own hardships. For example, Gene loses the friend he never knew he had. He was so busy competing with Finny that he never realized what a true friend he was. All his jealousy towards him turned to hate and eventually ended in tragedy. In addition, Leper suffers by discovering things about himself that he never realized. He learns that he is tired of pleasing other people all the time, "What's she got to be pleased about...I'm pleasing myself!"(134). All he wants is someone who cares for him and that's what he's hoping to get when Gene comes to visit him. Furthermore, Finny endures the pain of realizing that he was misled by the one he cared about the most. For Gene the friendship was a bitter rivalry but for Finny, it was the best thing that ever happened to him. They each suffer through all this, but Finny suffers the most by being forced to face the truth about his accident. All this shows how they each tolerate pain through maturity, and learn more about life. As each of the characters grow up, they become more knowledgeable. For example, Leper truly finds himself when he comes home from war. This "crazy" Leper is who he really is. He was never sure of himself because he was always too busy escaping reality. In addition, Finny becomes more knowledgeable after he finds the truth about his accident. He was resentful towards Gene for doing such a thing; "You want to break something else in me! Is that why you're here!" (76). His friendship with Gene was part of what kept him composed and the truth shattered his false representation of reality. Furthermore, when the truth about Finny's accident comes out, Gene world is shattered, and he sees everything around him the way it really is. This view gives him a better understanding of life. He learns that you can't just escape reality because it will always be there. Through all these events these characters become more knowledgeable by learning more about themselves and the world around them. Throughout the story, each character finds that growing up is a complex and hazardous task. In the search for peace, they lose a sense of reality but gain maturity. They also lose a sense of security that gave them the common bond they shared at Devon.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
The Myth of the Bra Burning Feminists of the Sixties
The Myth of the Bra Burning Feminists of the Sixties Who was it who said, ââ¬Å"History is but a fable agreed upon?â⬠Voltaire? Napoleon? It doesnââ¬â¢t really matter (history, in this case, fails us) because at least the sentiment is solid. Telling stories is what we humans do, and in some cases, veracity be damned if the truth isnââ¬â¢t as colorful as what we can make up. Then theres what psychologists call the Rashomon Effect, in which different people experience the same event in contradictory ways. And sometimes, major players conspire to advance one version of an event over the other. Burn, Baby, Burn Take the long-held assumption, found even in some of the most respected history books, that 1960s feminists demonstrated against the patriarchy by burning their bras. Of all the myths surrounding womenââ¬â¢s history, bra burning has been one of the most tenacious. Some grew up believing it, never mind that as far as any serious scholar has been able to determine, no early feminist demonstration included a trash can full of flaming lingerie. The Birth of a Rumor The infamous demonstration that gave birth to this rumor was theà 1968 protest of the Miss America contest. Bras, girdles, nylons, and other articles of constricting clothing were tossed in a trash can. Maybe the act became conflated with other images of protest that did include lighting things on fire, namely public displays of draft-card burning. But the lead organizer of the protest, Robin Morgan, asserted in a New York Times article the next day that no bras were burned. ââ¬Å"Thatââ¬â¢s a media myth,â⬠she said, going on to say that any bra-burning was just symbolic. Media Misrepresentation But that didnââ¬â¢t stop one paper, the Atlantic City Press, from crafting the headline ââ¬Å"Bra-burners Blitz Boardwalk,â⬠for one of two articles it published on the protest. That article explicitly stated: ââ¬Å"As the bras, girdles, falsies, curlers, and copies of popular womenââ¬â¢s magazines burned in the ââ¬ËFreedom Trash Can, the demonstration reached the pinnacle of ridicule when the participants paraded a small lamb wearing a gold banner worded ââ¬ËMiss America.â⬠The second storyââ¬â¢s writer, Jon Katz,à remembered years later that there was a brief fire in the trash can- but apparently, no one else remembers that fire. And other reporters did not report a fire. Another example of conflating memories? In any case, this certainly was not the wild flames described later by media personalities like Art Buchwald, who wasnt even near Atlantic City at the time of the protest. Whatever the reason, many media commentators, the same ones who renamed theà womens liberation movementà with the condescending term Womens Lib, took up the term and promoted it. Perhaps there were some bra-burnings in imitation of the supposed leading-edge demonstrations that didnt really happen, though so far theres been no documentation of those, either. A Symbolic Act The symbolic act of tossing those clothes into the trash can was meant as a serious critique of the modern beauty culture, of valuing women for their looks instead of their whole self. Going braless felt like a revolutionary act- being comfortable above meeting social expectations. Trivialized in the End Bra-burning quickly became trivialized as silly rather than empowering.à One Illinois legislator was quoted in the 1970s, responding to anà Equal Rights Amendmentà lobbyist, calling feminists braless, brainless broads. Perhaps it caught on so quickly as a myth because it made the womens movement look ridiculous and obsessed with trivialities. Focusing on bra burners distracted from the larger issues at hand, like equal pay, child care, and reproductive rights. Finally, since most magazine and newspaper editors and writers were men, it was highly unlikely they would give credence to the issues bra burning represented: unrealistic expectations of female beauty and body image.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Works of Jacques Louis David and Damier Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Works of Jacques Louis David and Damier - Essay Example During the period of romanticism, the painter worked quickly, freer and looser brush strokes giving evidence of the process of artistic creation. Another important aspect of romanticism was an interest in social issues, leading to a larger participation and concern in the events of the time. This is seen in the works of Eugene Delacroix, as in his Moorish scenes of men and wild beasts in physical conflict. He cultivated surface texture, impasto and used a rich palette of colors. Delacroix also pursued the same theme in his Jacob Wrestling with an Angel and in his North African paintings of turbaned men battling with tigers. Delacroix, however, is known best for his Liberty Guiding People, a patriotic painting of the French Revolution, in which the central figure of a woman beckons the soldiers forward with the flag she raises high above the field of the dead and wounded, while the drummer boy beside her valiantly charges with a pistol upraised. These two figures which form strong vig orous diagonals stand out amidst the smoke and confusion of the battle. An important realist is Honore Damier, whose rare gift for social satire found expression in his prints, political cartoons and paintings. While he lashed out at the corruption and hypocrisy of the privileged class, as in The Legislature, he had a profound sympathy for the poor and the oppressed, as in The Third Class Carriage and The Washer woman. Daumier had a sense of the dramatic moment revealed in a single look or gesture.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Use your critical thinking skills to evaluate the article Why Does Our Essay
Use your critical thinking skills to evaluate the article Why Does Our Collective Empathy So Often Fail to Manifest in Our Treatment of Refugees by Shami Chakrabarti - Essay Example The Council for At-Risk Academics (CARA) created to deal with academic related violence and persecution has dealt with numerous cases involving refugees. CARA has had to help a physics teacher of Iraqi origin who used to receive death threats after she had dared to challenge the in place religious beliefs. Another incident dealt with by CARA, which shows that people do not care about the refugees, is the case of a human rights lecture from Zimbabwe whom the state police thoroughly beat due to his so-called political activism. Chakrabarti does not understand why people treat refugees with much contempt and ignorance even when they are aware of their sad struggle stories. One of the likely reasons suggested by Chakrabarti as to why people forget these sad refugee stories is due to the emotional distance that exists between refugees and people of the country, and this makes people forget these sad refugee stories. Chakrabarti in the article suggests that the government has let these refugees down, and the work of taking care of refugees has been left to organizations such as CARA. According to Chakrabarti, the governmentââ¬â¢s main task is to enforce grinding poverty to refugees, which has been possible because people allow them. The governmentââ¬â¢s reluctance and bad policies intended to help refugees can be best illustrated by the case of a Pakistani woman who fled to the United Kingdom after been physically attacked by her husband for the mere wish of wanting to finish her Ph.D. On arriving in the UK, the woman did not have a home or something to eat until CARA came to her rescue. Due to CARAââ¬â¢s limited resources that they have, the issue of dealing with refugees is overwhelming them. It is up to people of goodwill who appreciate the vital and useful work CARA does take up the responsibility of supporting the
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Online Web Application For Selling Computer Products
Online Web Application For Selling Computer Products This project report represents the idea of the Online Shopping Website application for Computer products. In this project we are having primary goal of to increase the sale of the Computer product in the market, and to reduce the manual work and increasing the technical support for sellers and buyers to sale or buy product online. The second goal of this site is to maintain the data of buyers, sellers and product. 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT: In the current system all transaction are doing in manual that is very time consuming and it is very difficult for maintenance. They have to maintain all data in books and register that is very difficult to finding any data in those lots of registers and books so it is very time consuming and wasting of money. So to overcoming all these problems we can use Online Shopping for Computer product. The online shopping is the part of internet to do online purchasing and selling product with electronic security, now day this is called as E-commerce. Customer can directly purchase the product online from his/her home through internet. Customer can see many products and details about the products which are not possible in current system. Customer can pay online through credit card there is no need to keep big cash in pocket and physically going to the shop. 1.3 PROJECT AIM AND OBJECTIVES: The major of website for Online Shopping is sale and purchase computer products and services through the internet. This transaction does with the electronic data exchange over the internet. Customer has to give credit card details for purchase product with secure transmission of data exchange over the internet. The Online Shopping website has many objectives some of them as follow: It gives information about various products of different categories. Customers purchase the products online with the help of internet. Customer will login on website for shopping. Customers purchase the product with checking the price of product and can compare the same product with different categories product. Customer will pay online payment so security is more important so for that the secure transmission layer is used. After purchasing product customer can have any problem with product so he can give the details about the problem and get solution for that as per require time. Data security is more important because customers personal details are stored in the database so the database is access by only authorize person or admin. I strongly conclude that implementing this type of application is very useful for online users and sellers of product or owner of the site. 1.4 PROPOSED METHODOLOGIES: In this project we follow the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodologies use to develop website. I have used Waterfall Model to develop this website. The main steps in this methodology are Requirement, Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and Maintenance. The waterfall model is also called as linear sequential model, in this model all tasks are completed one by one. To use this model the major advantage is very simple and all project development process takes place as per the user requirement. http://www.oddtodd.com/mw/clip_image003.gif Figure: Waterfall Model 1.5 SCOPE: This website is basically for server and deployed on the server site. The Online Shopping website is basically useful to company for selling computer products worldwide. This website will be useful for the following areas: Useful for online selling products for companies. Use anywhere in the world in any time. All information about items is stored in system. Company stores all items details, update items, price, discount etc. Customer can place online order from any place via internet. The System reduces most manual work and maintains all information and stores it for future references. This system will be applicable for company as well as wholesale shops, or any other Organization who wants to sell their products in international markets. This system will provide more data storage facility. This system will provide easy maintenance for future references. 2. RESEARCH: 2.1 GENERAL BACKGROUND TO THE SUBJECT: Java technology is the most popular and robust technique to develop any kind of projects such as window application, web application etc. J2EE is the java enterprise edition to the develop web application. To developing this website I have used JSP (java server page), Servlet and Java beans which are part of J2EE technology. These technologies basically used to give request and take response on server side. Model view controller (MVC) architecture: Figure: MVC architecture Model: The model is related with classes which represent the application data, this model responsible for know what the data is, how to create, delete, retrieve and store the data. View: It is basically used to show the data and notices in user interface which user wants to change it. Controller: These classes basically provide logic of the application, which is responsible for coordination the data in the model and the view. About the data base: The MySQL is one of the popular database for developing server side application or web application, it has more reliability, performance and simple to use. The MySQL database is open source, so its saving time and money and it can run on most platforms. It is specifically use to store large amount of data or records, So Online Shopping website use MySQL database to maintaining the data about the products, customers, sales, purchase etc. 2.2 STUDIES ON SPECIFIC ISSUES This system is purely web based client server architecture Take time to find the troubles of the online users Server MIS configuration Session management Error handling Deployment of the application in Apache Tomcat. MySQL database installation and versions. Setting the path and class path in java. 2.3 TECHNOLOGIES FOR IMPLEMENTATION Software Database : MySQL 5.0. Server : Apache Tomcat 4.1 Front End : JSP/Servlets, J2SDK 1.6, HTML, DHTML, Java Script. Editor : Edit plus, Jcreator. Hardware Processor : Intel P-IV based system Processor Speed : 2.0. GHz RAM : 256 MB to 512 MB Hard Disk : 40GB to 80GB Key Board : 104 keys 2.4 ANALYSIS OF EXISTING WORK: Proposed system (Developing system) and advantages: The system will reduce manual work which provides easy access and easy working environments. This system will give easy GUI (Graphical User Interfaces) for registration and fill different forms information. This system also gives facility to for customers to register their feedback regarding product to company online and get solution for that. From Companys ease system Admin can get easily details, add new items, update item or etc. The system will give robust efficient in all respect having a strong security features. Minimal and effective security notifications or messages. 3. DESIGN/STRUCTURAL FORMATION: Search ItemUML Diagram Add Item to Shopping Cart Checkout Cart System User Confirmation All Figure 2: Sample UML diagram In the above diagram the user search the products and add to shopping cart and after adding all products which want to buy then he can the checkout the cart and the system checks the users login, credit card and all information for further process and gives confirmation for dealing. (This diagram is sample one, will develop the database for better view). 4. DATA ACQUISITION: Distributed database and GUI application Application deployed in client server architecture. Service Authentication. Data capture. 5. TESTING AND ANALYSIS OF RESULTS: Planning to do unit testing, Integration testing and validation tests. 6. OVERALL EVALUATION: Online Shopping website run on any environment, this is useful for any computer parts manufacturing company to sale its products online. This application on the internet, user will use this application easily at anywhere in the world. The feasibility study of the project is follows: Economic feasibility: Online Shopping website is maintaining large amount of historical data with using minimum cost and time. With the help of internet the user or seller can ads or sale his products online all over the world without investing any cost. And the website having graphical user interfaces so no need to training for user or employee. 7. PROJECT APPROCH AND PLAN: In this phase or approach after the collecting the requirement from client we can analyze the customer requirements, then we can create the planning and decide the objectives of the project and divides the projects development into different phases. These phases divided into task and subtask and it will be complete within given time period. 8. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS: In this project we are covering how helpful this Online Shopping website to the computer manufacturing company for selling products online, and online purchasing product to the customers. This application manages the all historical data about the products, customers, sellers to the future reference as insert, update, and retrieve the data. It is basically for who dont have time to go shopping at shop they can buy products easily via internet from home or office.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
My Fair Lady – How is Eliza transformed from a ‘squashed cabbage leaf’ into a ‘duchess’?
Dublin born Bernard Shaw made the elevation from his Synge Street origins to a famous writer. The blockbusting musical, ââ¬ËMy Fair Lady' derived from Shaw's most prominent play ââ¬ËPygmalion' which was also popular in the early 20th century. In the 1900s, class was very important and the belief that you were born into a class and stayed there was common knowledge. Shaw wrote ââ¬ËPygmalion' because the distinction between the working and middle class had never been made. The play shows the differences between the classes and how a common ââ¬Ëguttersnipe' can become a respectable member of society. Well, if Shaw managed it why couldn't his main character, Eliza. ââ¬Å"Liza Doolittle.â⬠The cockney girl is not only dirty, in need of a dentist, unfashionable and common but also has a coarse, even painful, voice and badly pronounced language. Despite of Eliza's flaws we feel sorry for her and her likeability stands out. Eliza takes the initiative, after hearing Henry Higgins's boast, to change the way she is. ââ¬Å"I want to be a lady in a flower shop stead of sellin' at the corner of Tottenham Court Roadâ⬠. Eliza goes to Higgins's lab in Wimpole Street. Eliza tries to clean herself up by washing her hands and face and offers to pay Higgins for phonetics lessons all in the effort to make herself equal to those around her. ââ¬Å"Did you tell them I come in a taxi?â⬠Eliza knows that she'll have to act like a lady as well as talk like one but she must also look like a duchess. Mrs Pearce, the fiery housekeeper to Henry Higgins, will often speak her mind to Higgins especially on her thoughts of Eliza. Mrs Pearce makes Eliza look like a lady by bathing her and dressing her in the day's fashions. Doolittle, Eliza's father, stands out of Eliza's way when she is clean and nicely dressed. ââ¬Å"Don't you recognize your own daughter?â⬠This shows that asceticism is important in the distinction of the classes. Professor Henry Higgins believes that phonetics will change Eliza into a duchess. Eliza learns to speak properly and she is accepted by the Eynsford-Hills when before, in Covent Garden, she was rejected by them. This means that phonetics also made Eliza into a duchess. However, Eliza did not have social niceties and had to learn not only how to speak but what to speak about. ââ¬Å"Of course she's not presentable, if you suppose for a moment that she doesn't give herself away in every sentence she utters you must be perfectly cracked about her.â⬠She obviously needs social ability to be more Lady like. Colonel Pickering and Higgins are very different in the way that they treat Eliza. Pickering treats Eliza with respect and makes her confident and Higgins bullies her though I believe both make her into a duchess. Higgins' bullying and mean remarks make Eliza strong. ââ¬Å"I'm not afraid of you, I can do without you.â⬠Pickering treated her as she ought to be treated, giving her the power, confidence and bravery to stand up to Higgins. In conclusion, I believe that like many things, it was not one aspect that changed Eliza. She couldn't have become a ââ¬Ëduchess' without aesthetics, phonetics and social ability and a Lady wouldn't take Higgins' bullying. But, Higgins and Pickering did teach Eliza an unexpected lesson ââ¬â it is not how you look or how you speak that matters, but the treatment you receive. For even if Higgins ââ¬Ëtreats a duchess like a flower girl', Pickering will always ââ¬Ëtreat a flower girl like a duchess'.
Friday, January 10, 2020
One Last Dance Movie Summary
Many people consider dance as a hobby but to others it takes place a big role in their lives. The movie ââ¬Å"One Last Danceâ⬠demonstrates how passionate a group of people are about dancing and how it affects their lives. This group is part of a New York dancing company that does performances and is run by their artistic director and owner of the studio ââ¬Å"Alex McGrathâ⬠. The company was about to have the big performance of their lives, until tragedy strucks. On an evening of rehearsal, the dancers realize that their artistic director Alex has passed away.Due to the tragedy, the performance gets canceled. After 6 years, no dance performances took place after Alexââ¬â¢s death. The dance studio was getting ready to shut down until three former stars were brought back to help save the studio by resurrecting the dance performance that was unable to be performed. The three former stars are ââ¬Å"Travis MacPhearson,â⬠ââ¬Å"Chrissa Lindh,â⬠and ââ¬Å"Max Del ano. â⬠As they try to get back into shape and mark their routine, they seem to struggle.They begin to go through different emotions and get flashbacks on how tough Alex was them during practices. Alex was a very serious strict man that pushed his dancers till he thought they had enough. The dance performance became a dream to them, so when that very dance got canceled it was heartbreaking. Later, Chrissa introduces ââ¬Å"Bree,â⬠her daughter, to the cast. Max and Travis were unaware of Chrissa having a daughter till she decided to mention it. Travis was surprised about it because before everything happened Chrissa and Travis were in intimate relationship.Before the big day, Chrissa and Travis werenââ¬â¢t communicating so well because of the lacking performance of their dance piece. Chrissa then left their rehearsal session after dancing another piece that brought back some sparks between them. Travis stayed behind and continued to dance when all of sudden he injures h is knee. Itââ¬â¢s the day of the performance and Travis hasnââ¬â¢t shown up. Max gets a hold of him and informs everyone that he was getting out of the hospital and is leaving the town that night.Chrissa decides to call Travis after hearing the news and admits to him that Bree is his daughter. The absence of Travis caused Max and Chrissa to step down and let the understudy go on stage instead. After having a successful performance, Travis shows up to the studio. He was glad for the success of the performance but he still felt like preforming their last dance together even with his knee injury. Although they was no audience, Max and Chrissa agreed to preform it. As hey began to dance, people that were still around heard the music and came back to watch them. Finally, after six years they performed their dance piece and couldnââ¬â¢t be any happier. Their dream eventually came true. This movie has such a good ending and a good meaning to it. When you are passionate about somet hing never let anything stop you from doing it. Dance can be a big impact to anyone who is passionate about it. This movie is a good example of how dance affects peopleââ¬â¢s lives and that we shouldnââ¬â¢t give up on our dreams.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Mother Tereesa (Ethical Issues) - 3804 Words
Mother Teresa is known across the globe as the brave and selfless servant of the poor and sick of Calcuttas slums. She was also much more: a bold social advocagte, and even a thoughtful theologian. In 1994, just three years before she would pass away, Mother Teresa spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. The focus of her presentation was a condemnation of abortion, given in the presence of the pro-choice administration of President Bill Clinton (First Lady Hilary Clinton was also in attendance) and Vice President Al Gore. Mother Teresas treatment of abortion is in the context of a series of fascinating ethical and ecclesiological reflections that reveal the intriguing insight of her thoughts on love, family, theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦I have carved you in the palm of my hand. She speaks of her work with mothers and orphans in the slums of Calcutta: We are fighting abortion by adoption -by care of the mother and adoption for her baby. She and her nuns, she ex plained, would spread the word throughout the town that they would take any child that was considered for abortion. From our childrens home in Calcutta alone, she claimed, we have saved over 3000 children from abortion. These children have brought such love and joy to the adopting parents and have grown up so full of love and joy. Mother Teresa continues her reflections and delves into issues of the use of contraception, and ultimately ends her address with a return to her axiomatic point that God (and Christ) must serve as the foundation for ethical decisions and reasoning. He must be the example by which humans live, think, act, and judge their actions: If we remember that God loves us, and that we can love others as He loves us, then America can become a sign of peace for the world. From here, a sign of care for the weakest of the weak -the unborn child- must go out to the world. If you become a burning light of justice and peace in the world, then really you will be truest to what the founders of this country stood for. God bless you! Works Cited Mother Teresa, Whatever You Did Unto One of the Least, You Did Unto Me. The National Prayer Breakfast, Washington, D.C., February, 1994.
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